Monday, February 11, 2008

Teacher and student

I always suspected that Presley would be a good teacher, if ever given the right student. Today I think we saw an example of her influence. Today we left Bristol out of her crate twice while we ran errands and went out to grab a bite to eat. On both occasions, nothing was disturbed in the house.

Bristol is only 9 months and still likes to chew voraciously, but nothing was out of place... or destroyed.

We know Bristol didn't learn this exemplary behavior from Diesel. Over the years because of Diesel, we've lost two couches, pillows, eyeglasses, books, shoes, wood molding, doors, carpeting, and countless other material goods. Her separation anxiety still rears its ugly head every once in a while, so we have to Diesel-proof the house before going anywhere. We gave up on the crate long ago when she broke out of it.

Luckily Bristol seems to be taking after her biggest sister. Phew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh only the smartest doggies know what side their bread is buttered on! If you don't attack the trash, you just might get to eat the leftovers before they get tossed.