Friday, October 12, 2007

Presley is steps.

Scott and I picked Presley up from OVRS at 2PM. We were there on the dot. After paying the bill and getting her discharge papers, the tech brought her out. Wow! She was walk/hopping really well. We cooed over her for a minute in the waiting room but she seemed really anxious to get the hell out of there. She practically ran as she hopped to the van. First, she had to tinkle because she hadn't gone all day.

Diesel was so happy to see her big sister. Presley was her usually self, growling at Diesel to calm down. Presley had a huge smile on her face the whole ride home. She was a little sleepy at times but seemed very relieved to be with the family again. She stared at me practically the whole ride home.

When we got home, Scott lifted her out of the van, she walked right up the ramp, through the back door and straight to her bed in the living room. I sat on the floor with her and fussed a little too much over something stuck on her paw. She jumped up and hid behind the couch, until I said I apologized and promised not to fuss over her.

She came out from behind the couch and plopped down in front of the couch again, not on the bed. Instead, Diesel curled up on the bed, I curled up on the couch, Scott curled up on the chair. As I pet Presley, I kept watching her to make sure she was comfortable and that I didn't accidentally touch her stitches.

Those of you who know Presley probably know that she will tap the floor, the door jam, or your arm if she wants something. So when I stopped petting her, I swear it looked like her muscles contracted where her leg once was, as if to tap and say, "Don't stop."

When I look at Presley, the shaved area reminds me of a gray sling holding up her leg. She looks so normal in some ways. Same bright smile, same little nub wiggling, same growl at Diesel. She is so strong and brave. Definitely a fighter.

After we all took a little snooze, I got up to prepare dinner (yes, I'm cooking pot roast tonight) and Scott took Presley out to go potty. She finally pooped! Man, is it good to have her back home.

Maybe Presley's recovery will be measured by the small wins as she tackles each hurdle one by one. Baby steps.

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